Download the UnifyDrive Desktop Client


Windows Desktop

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Mac Desktop(X86)

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Mac Desktop(M series)

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Download the UnifyDrive APP

UnifyDrive APP

Download Instructions

1.Search for "UnifyDrive" in the App Store on iPhone or Google Play on Android to install the app.
2.Supports Android 6.0 and above; supports iOS 12.0 and above.
3.iOS does not support the following devices: iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPad 4 (iPad with Retina Display), iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad mini, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4.

Scan for Mobile App

UnifyDrive Web Version

To access, simply enter: in your browser.
Supported Browsers:
1. Chrome (version 50 or later)
2. Microsoft Edge (version 78 or later)
3. Firefox (version 54 or later)
4. Safari (Mac, version 10 or later)
For intranet-only use, log in via IP with port 5055.
UnifyDrive web Version